Imagine that there is no plastic, and that it never existed. It would be paradise, wouldn't it? Well, think twice.
Now, let's imagine that the consumption rate remains the same. This means generating tons and tons of organic waste each day. Millions of paper packages used only once.
If everything were glass, can you imagine how quickly our minerals would run out? Newspaper headlines would talk all the time about uncontrolled deforestation, the 2,000 liters of water that are needed to make just 500 sheets of paper. And the dangers for the extraction of scarce minerals.
And suddenly...
someone discovers a material that reduces water consumption by 80% ...
and reduces the use of renewable energy by almost 70% ...
which generates three times less greenhouse gases ...
A malleable, resistant material, which would prevent us from continuing to destroy thousands of hectares of forests and woods, and all the animals that live in it. Can you imagine how many people concerned about the environment would not prefer this material?
On the other hand, paper bags and cardboard packaging would be frowned upon, as they mean the death of our forests.
Open your eyes, we don't have to imagine all of this. This material exists and is called plastic.
However, it is being treated as an enemy by those looking for the easiest way out to solve the problems that this material causes when it ends in the oceans, in the rivers ... However, these same people are not aware that plastic is not the problem.
The problem is that our society discards, and anyway, plastic instead of reusing and recycling it, because it was created for that.
For this reason, the campaign that seeks to prohibit the use of plastic makes us forget the innumerable benefits that it has. Plastics, for example, are much cheaper because they need less resources to manufacture them. Without forgetting that the process for reusing it is much more efficient.
If what we want is to save the environment, we need to change the focus, and move from repression to efficiency in the use of our resources.
It is not possible that, because we want to save the planet, we end up destroying even more because we do not want to recycle a material with which we can build houses, furniture, clothes, accessories, roads and a thousand things ... that improve our quality of life and protect the environment.
Prohibiting is not the solution, reusing and recycling is.
Watch the video in full:
Source: Verdades Sustentáveis