The moment we are living in is not being easy for anyone, but in the midst of all adversities, it is possible to see the opportunities to make a difference, helping those in need, rediscovering dormant values that bring us perspectives for better days.
And it was thinking about it, with the intention of mobilizing ourselves to do something that could help other people, that Seibt started the month of April strengthening our value with society through the project “JUNTOS SOMOS BETTER”.
We use all our machinery and the collaboration of our employees to carry out the recovery of equipment at the Nova Petrópolis Hospital.
We found that we don't need to be physically close to make things happen, but rather, we need to be united by heart, empathy and respect for other people.
We collected materials that could no longer be used and transformed them into furniture to be used in the campaign hospital, such as beds, cabinets, hospital screens, among others.
We know how important these materials are to the population and how they can all help save lives. Like everyone, we want this whole situation to end soon, but we also understand that every crisis shows us things that we don't realize on a daily basis, and always has something to teach us.
When all this is over, we will no longer be the same, as people and as companies. We will not return to normal, we will return better and stronger and convinced that our life is the most precious asset that we have, as well as our family.
Postado por Redação SEIBT